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Wisdom Tooth Removal: What to Expect Before & After Surgery | Dr. Kurt Uyehara, DDS

Writer's picture: Dr. Kurt Uyehara , DDSDr. Kurt Uyehara , DDS

Top 3 Reasons & Causes You Are Experiencing Wisdom Tooth Pain:

​It is good to know that wisdom teeth rarely cause pain unless there is something wrong and, in most cases, your dentist may recommend wisdom teeth removal.

  1. Cavity: Cavities are prone to specific places such as tight spaces between teeth where it is hard to clean. As wisdom teeth grow close to other teeth, this creates a space for cavities to form.

  2. Pain Due to Growth of Wisdom Teeth: If your wisdom teeth are coming out or growing it may be breaking through the gums, causing soreness or pain.  You may have problems biting, chewing and even opening your mouth.

  3. Gum Disease: Gum disease like cavities are prone to wisdom teeth.  This is due to the location and lack of space make them harder to clean.


Wisdom Teeth Pain: Step by Step to Take to Relieve Pain

Visit your dentist: Ensure your issues are resolved before they become more impacting to overall oral health. More than likely, wisdom teeth removal will help cure and prevent any wisdom tooth related oral health problems. Contact Dr. Kurt Uyehara for an immediate appointment or visit our website at https://tmjdentalhawaii.com. However, if your wisdom teeth are already causing you pain, you’ll need to ease the pain naturally below are a few tips on relieve wisdom tooth pain:

1. Place a cold compress/ice against your face: Place it where the pain is located to help dull the pain or your tooth or jaw.

2. Ibuprofen/Aspirin:  If not allergic and with consent of your doctor or dentist, take the recommended daily amount of Ibuprofen/Aspirin as an anti-inflammatory. This may help temporarily dull the pain.

3. Over the counter numbing Gels: There are many different brands of mouth numbing gels made that you can purchase over the counters such as Baby Orajel. These are temporary pain relievers.

4. Wisdom Teeth Removal: This may be the best way to fix any wisdom tooth related issues and prevent any future problems.​


​Time to remove your wisdom teeth? Your dentist may recommend removal and generally the procedure takes place right in the office by a oral surgeon. With proper care, in a few days, you should heal and feel back to yourself.


What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars in the back of your mouth. Using X-rays, your dentist can usually spot them. Wisdom teeth usually start to appear in your teens to early adult age (16-26 years of age).

What causes the need to remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth pain or some impact to the mouth. Due to the location of the wisdom teeth in the mouth, wisdom teeth may not come in normally as they are in the back of the mouth. If wisdom teeth are trapped in your gums or jawbone, this is when it becomes painful.

1. Angle of the wisdom tooth is incorrect and presses against your gums or other teeth causing pain.

2. If your mouth is not large enough or your jaw has little or no room for extra set of teeth/molars and thus causes pain.

3. Cavities and gum disease are prevalent in wisdom teeth due to the location in the back of the mouth. It is hard to reach wisdom teeth with toothbrushes and floss and thus cavities and gum disease can occur.

What should I discuss with my dentist before wisdom tooth removal or surgery?

Your oral surgeon will walk you through all the steps during your appointment. Please give your dentist the following information:

1. Discuss any health problems you have.

2. Provide a list of drugs you take on a regular basis.

3. Be sure you are fully informed and all your questions about the surgery have been

4. answered. Ask questions! Review the of anesthesia you’ll have and any allergies.

Discuss after surgery plan. Do you need a ride back home?

How long does wisdom teeth removal/surgery take?

The wisdom tooth removal surgery should take 45 minutes or less. However, if complications occur, it may take longer.

What to expect during the wisdom teeth removal/surgery process?

Based on your discussion with your oral surgeon, you will receive anesthesia. This is used so you no pain during the removal of the wisdom tooth.

  1. Local: Your mouth will be made numb with a shot of local anesthetic such as Novocain, lidocaine or mepivacaine.

  2. Nasal: You may opt to receive breathe nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to relax or even doze during surgery. This can be used with all other forms of anesthesia. This is temporary and impacts disappear shortly after the nasal treatment is administered.

  3. IV sedation: After the surgeon numbs your mouth with local anesthetic, the surgeon may give you drugs through a vein in your arm to make you drowsy and to help you sleep during the procedure.

  4. General: You’ll either get drugs through a vein or breathe gas in through a mask. You’ll be asleep the whole time and might not wake up for an hour or so after the surgery.

  5. Wisdom tooth removal surgery: After you are numb, your dentist/surgeon will cut your gums or bone to get the wisdom tooth out. Then he will stitch the wound shut to help heal quickly. The stitches generally dissolve after a few days.Gauze may be used during and after surgery in your mouth to soak up blood from the surgery.

Top 5 Steps To Take After Wisdom Tooth Removal Or Surgery For A Quick Recovery:

1. Avoid solid foods.

2. Avoid brushing same day.

3. Listen to dentist.

4. Avoid stress activities such as sports.

Visit us at www.tmjdentalhawaii.com or call us 808-944-8338 for any appointment.


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